
Bâyezîd Bin ‘Abdülgaffar El-Konevî’nin Risâle-i Kalemiyyesi

In this study, Bayezid bin Abdulgaffar el-Konevi's mixed verse-prose work Risâle-i Kalemiyye was examined. Bayezid bin Abdulgaffar el-Konevi, about whose life there is not much information, is a language scholar. It has been reported that the writer, who is a language scholar, was still alive in 1575 and was an imam. His works titled “Muammeyât alâ Esmâi’l-Hüsnâ”, “Şerhu Nevâbigi’l-kelim li-Zemahşeri”, “Müdricü’l-fevâid”, “Şerhu lübbu’l-Elbab fi İlmi’l-i’rab li’l-Beyzavi”, “Şerhu Tevabiu’l-Kelim” and the National Library of France Turc. There is a Pen Treatise titled “Risâle Bi’t-Türkiye Kalemiyye” which is located between pages 98a-103b of poetry magazine numbered 296. He was a writer who was fluent in Arabic and Persian. In this study, the etymology of the word pen, its definition, how the pen was obtained and how a religious meaning was assigned to the pen are expressed. Information has been given about the place of the pen in Turkish literature, the characteristics attributed to the pen and Pen Treatises. A general framework was drawn about mecmua in the National Library of France, where the treatise is located, and a copy of the mecmua and a translation of the work Risâle-i Kalemiyye were made. The importance of this Turkish verse-prose mixed Risâle-i Kalemiyye, written by an author nicknamed Konevi, which is the subject of our study, has been tried to be revealed for our literature.


National Library of France, Bâyezîd b. Abdülgaffar el-Konevî, pen, treatise.


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