
Türk Edebiyatı’nda Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî Tercümeleri

Morality which means character, nature and humour expresses grace and bad character. It is also one of the main subjects of Islâm. In this respect a broad literature has emerged since 2nd century in the hegira calendar and in every period a lot of work has been written about morality. Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî was written by Hüseyin Vâiz Kâşifî who is one of the most important figures of Persian Literature. It is one of the pieces written about morality such as Ahlâk-ı Nâsırî and Ahlâk-ı Celâlî. Hüseyin Vâiz Kâşifî had written his work named Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî in Persian in behalf of Hüseyin Baykara’s son Ebü’l Muhsin Mirza in the year of 900/1494-95. Kaşifi gave Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî to his work with respect to Ebü’l Muhsini’s name. In Classical Turkish Literature plenty of prose and verse about morality were compiled or translated. Inasmuch as meanings and expressions of Ahlâk-Muhsinî are comprehensible, it attracted intensive attention. As it was translated into many languages, it was also translated into Turkish nine times. These translations are chronologically as follows; Firâkî Abdurrahman Çelebî’s Terceme-i Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî, Azmî Pir Mehmed’s Enisü’l-Arifîn, Ebü’l-fazl Mehmed Efendi’s Terceme-i Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî, Rıdvan b. Abdülmennan’s Terceme-i Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî, Hocazade Abdulaziz Efendi’s Ahlâk-ı Sultan Ahmedî, Bosnevi Ömer Efendi’s Terceme-i Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî, Osmanzâde Ahmed Taib’s Ahlâk-ı Ahmedî, Ragıp İmamoğlu’s İyilerin Ahlâkı and Murat Demirkol’s Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî Kâşifî’nin Ahlâk Kitabı. In this study in the introduction part after a short explanation about Hosein Vaiz Kâifî and Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî has been made, information about Turkish translations of Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî mentioned above will be given.


Classical Turkish Literature, Morality, Hüseyin Vâiz Kâşifî, Ahlâk-ı Muhsinî.


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