
Okul Öncesi Dönem TÜBİTAK 6 Yaş Grubu Popüler Çocuk Bilim Kitaplarında Değerlerin Ele Alınış Biçimi

This study aims to analyze how the 10 fundamental values determined by the Ministry of National Education of Turkey (MEB) and some of the sub-values related to them are handled in popular science books for the 6-year-old age group published by TUBITAK and to reveal their contribution to values education. To this end, among the popular children's science books series of TUBITAK including 97 children’s book for 6-year-old age group, 80 narrative books, were examined. Based on the results, the first five values included in the target books among the ten basic values are honesty (in 44 books), responsibility (in 43 books), love (in 33 books), respect (in 25 books) and friendship (in 24 books). These are followed by values of charity in 16 books, patriotism in 15 books and self-control in 12 books. The two values in the last place among the fundamental values are the values of patience (in 7 books), and justice (in 4 books). However, it was determined that the sub-values in most books were scientificity (in 52 books), solidarity (in 38 books) and freedom (in 26 books), respectively. Values of morality, aesthetic emotion development and compassion were found in 11 books, while values ofcare for health were found in 9 books. Equality (in 6 books), peace (in 4 books) and conviction (in 2 books) are remarkable as sub-values with a limited mention in the target books.


TUBITAK, children literature, popular children’s science books, values education.


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    Eposta : korkutataturkiyat@gmail.com