
Tahsin Nâhid’in “Bütün Şiirleri”ne İki İlave

In addition to the “All poems”of Tahsin Nahid, one of the important representatives of Fecr-i Ati literature, published by Ahmet Koçak in 2016, two more poems have appeared. These two overlooked poems were published in Tenkid magazine published by Bezmi Nusret. We wanted to introduce these two poems, ”on the way to life“ and ”Mesa-yi Bahar", to the public in this article and to determine which literary period they belong to by examining them. In the introduction section of our article, previous studies about the poet were included and then Tenkid magazine was introduced. Both poems were considered by the method of examination for the work and ultimately a judgment was reached. These texts, written by the poet, are important in that they reflect the characteristics of the Fecr-i Ati period. We also considered it appropriate to give the original written in old letters in the magazine Tenkid of poems that address the theme of love in the appendix section. As can be seen from here, we believe that the poet has poems that have been published but remain on the pages of magazines. As these are found, “all the poems” of Tahsin Nahid will also be revealed.


Poetry, criticism, Fecr-i Ati.


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