
Kutadgu Bilig’de İnşa Edilen Kadın Kimliği Üzerine Sosyal Bir İnceleme

Kutadgu Bilig offers a rich data in terms of the perspective of Turks who have accepted the Islamic religion on women, questioning the social and cultural identity of women. In the study, the social positions of women, marriages, male-female Relations, Society's perspective on women were examined on the basis of gender and feminist critical approach, with reference to Kutadgu Bilig's work. The artwork was examined through document review using the scanning model. Data collected through document review was analyzed by content analysis method. In the study, the past situation, objects and individuals were interpreted and evaluated as in the conditions in which they were located. A qualitative research study concluded that women are positioned in a secondary way in society, that the view of women is otherizing, asymmetric, and that Kutadgu Bilig bears traces of the patriarchal approach. In the work, it was seen that women were presented as an entity that should be positioned in the household and kept away from drinking entertainment. It was understood that the type of woman created as the Ideal woman was women who were compliant with gender norms, obedient, accepting male authority. Due to its patriarchal codes, the work offers a rich resource in terms of gender norms.


Kutadgu Bilig, woman, patriarchy, gender, honor.


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Aralık 2024 Sayısı

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  • Adres :Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü Osmaniye/TÜRKİYE
    Telefon : 0505 4342666 Faks :
    Eposta : korkutataturkiyat@gmail.com