
Freud’un Görüşleri Ekseninde “Cemile” Hikâyesinde Aşk

Love has acquired different perspectives within the context of various opinions, beliefs, and concessions throughout the history of mankind, and expanded its repertoire of meanings through gaining aspects that are both close and far away from each other. In this study, the story “Jamilia” written by the famous Kyrgyz author Chingiz Aitmatov and deemed as “the most beautiful love story in the world” by French poet Louis Aragon, and the lovers in question are discussed through the psychoanalytic theory by Freud and the subconscious reasons leading the characters to the phenomenon of love are elaborated. The psychological developments, which particularly occurring in the late 19th century, slightly opened various doors in terms of observing and interpreting human behaviors and brought up the idea of retracing these behaviors. In this regard, the concepts of love and affection are tried to be explained several times by scientists through various methods and arguments and, by this way, the perspective on love and affection has gained new horizons. These developments, which is also closely affecting the world of literature as from the 20th century, has contributed to performing the psychological analysis of the characters in the stories and novels, and revealing their psychological orientations through a consistent discipline. In this study, the subconscious reasons leading the characters in the story “Jamila” to love are tried to be revealed based on the “defense mechanisms” and “conditions of love” by Freud.


Love, Aitmatov, Jamila, Freud, psychoanalysis.


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