
Maraşlı Âşık Derdiçok’un Şiirlerine Ekoeleştirel Bir Yaklaşım

Environmental problems from past to the present have caused great destruction in the world; ıt has become a threat to humanity and all living things. The biggest culprits of these destructions are people who recklessly exploit the world live in and see nature as an open source to them. The inseparable integrity between people and nature has been forgotten in time; people did not hesitate to interfere with the natural with their authority over nature. Environmental pollution, extinction of species, increase of natural disasters are a result of our damage to the environment and the deteriorating ecological balance. Ecocriticism theory is an interdisciplinary approach that emerges in order to create an ecological consciousness and interprets literature in the light of environmental consciousness. Ecocriticism, acting with the idea that living and non-living beings are a part of life, aims to create a consciousness beyond human-nature opposition. The works that reflect this consciousness best are the poems of the folk poets who live together with nature and are a kind of voice of nature. However, there are almost no studies dealing with folk poetry in an ecocritical context. For this reason in our study we will examine the poems of the Derdiçok from Maraş, who frequently uses nature in his poems and does not refrain from personalizing nature by giving it an internal value, in an ecocritical context.


Derdiçok, ecocriticism, nature, human.


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