
Ali Ayçil’in Denemelerinde Hikâye Etkisi

Ali Ayçil has published books in the genre of poetry, essays and stories. His first published book is a poetry book named Arastanın Son Çırağı (1999). Ayçil, better known as a poet, is also a good essayist. He has four essay books. Ayçil says that poetry is at the heart of his artistic identity. Indeed, literary histories will write him among the most important poets of Turkish poetry after the year 2000. Again, literary histories will mention the name of Ali Ayçil among the leading essayists after the year 2000. Various peculiarities of his essays can be mentioned. One of them is the taste of poetry in his essays. Like many master poets who wrote essays, we can trace poetry in his essays. Again, those who read the author’s essays will also enjoy a short story in these texts. The place of essay in Ayçil’s art, the author’s essay books and the general features of the texts in these books are mentioned in this article. Later, the short story element that makes Ayçil’s essays different is interpreted through the author’s last published essay book, Usta Konuşmak İstiyor.


Ali Ayçil, essay, short story, poem.


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