
Bir Edebî Başlangıç Noktası: Hulki Aktunç’un Kitaplarına Girmeyen Yayınlanmış İlk Öyküsü “Deredeki”

One of the pioneers of innovative Turkish storytelling, in search for new things after famous 1950 Generation, Hulki Aktunç’s “Deredeki”, published in the 17th issue of the magazine Soyut in September 1969, is his first published story. The author gives the first clues of his avant-garde style in terms of language and form, which is accepted as the distinguishing feature of his storytelling, in this work, which he stated that he did not include any of his books in reference to the importance and value of being the first story published in a magazine. Aktunç presents the image of a confident writer who knows the story style he will reveal from the very beginning of his literary career and acts in this direction. In this article, the characteristics of Hulki Aktunç’s first published story which did not enter in his books, “Deredeki”, which gives clues about his writing style, and reflects the formal and content innovation that made him an important name in avant-garde Turkish storytelling, are examined in terms of the story understanding of the period in question and Turkish story in general discussed in its historical context. Finally, a general conclusion is reached on Aktunç’s storytelling by comparing another story of the author, which, also, was not included in his books, “Biçare Herif”.


Hulki Aktunç, Deredeki, Biçare Herif, short story, structure, theme.


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