
Abdülhak Hâmid’in Yenilik Penceresinden Şeyh Gâlib’e Bakmak

In the years when Turkish poetry entered the renewal phase, Abdülhak Hâmid was the implementer of the designed or expected innovation move. His poems, which he put forward with an innovative attitude, became the focus of attention especially by the poets of Servet-i Fünun who came after him. Although it is believed that Abdülhak Hâmid, who was adopted by other poets in the following years, aims to destroy the tradition, he is in a renewal process by making use of the tradition. At this point, it is important which sources Abdülhak Hamid turned to. Explaining in his writings how he wrote his works, Abdülhak Hâmid gives some clues. Among these clues is that he read Şeyh Galib when he was younger and was influenced by him. In this study, it is aimed to embody the effect of Şeyh Galib in his works, which cover the time from the process of reading Şeyh Galib to the process of being affected, and which he put forward at this time. Although the existence of a significant Şeyh Galib effect in Makber has been revealed in various writings, there have been additional contributions to these determinations. In addition, the effect of Şeyh Galib in the poet’s other poems has been tried to be shown in the image dimension. Thus, it can be concluded that Abdülhak Hâmid, who is of great importance in the renewal of Turkish poetry, fulfilled his mission through certain sources and especially what he received from Şeyh Galib.


Abdülhak Hâmid, Şeyh Galib, poem, image.


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