
Berdi Kerbabayev’in Türkiye’ye Seyahat’i

The trip from Turkistan to Turkey during the Soviet Union is a historical trip. The famous Turkmen writer Berdi Kerbabayev (1894-1974) made this trip. Kerbabayev published his travel to Turkey in a series called “Türkiye’ye Seyahat” (Travel to Turkey) in the newspaper “Edebiyat ve Sungat” (Literature and Art) in Ashgabat between February 10 and March 3, 1971. This trip of Kerbabayev generally continued in Istanbul and Ankara. His writer friends in Istanbul and the Consul General of the Soviet Union were influential in Kerbabayev’s travel plan, who came to Turkey on December 16, 1970. Thanks to this travel plan, Kerbabayev was able to use his time in Istanbul better and more efficiently. In the context of the ideology of the Soviet Union, he had the opportunity to meet and meet with Turkish intellectuals. He primarily visited the historical places of Istanbul. Topkapi Palace is one of the most important historical places visited during a visit to Istanbul. He traveled to Bursa, based in Istanbul. Kerbabayev’s trip to Ankara, which gives the impression of an unplanned trip, is of particular importance. Ankara-based Konya travel is also an indicator of historical consciousness. In addition, Kerbabayev mentions in his article that he made new friends in Ankara. Famous writer Berdi Kerbabayev, known for his literary personality and works, is one of the Turkmen intellectuals who traveled to Turkey during the Soviet Union.


Soviet Union, Kerbabayev, travel, Turkey, literature.


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