
Türkiye Türkçesi Ağızlarında “Dedikodu” ile İlgili Söz Varlığının Eş Anlamlılık Açısından İncelenmesi

Semantics covers many semantic relations such as synonymy, polysemy, and antonym. It is difficult to identify a definition of synonymy that all linguists agree on. However, there are two different approaches among linguists regarding synonymy, which we can define it as two or more linguistic elements that have the same or almost the same meaning in language and in all contexts. The first argues that a complete synonymy cannot be possible in natural language, while the second argues that homonymy exists in language, but there are different types and degrees. According to the second view, synonymy is generally classified under three headings as absolute, cognitive, and close synonymy. In this study, synonymous language elements were examined in terms of regional, stylistic, and close synonymy relations based on the synonymy classifications of Cruse (1986) and Levkovskaya (1956). Synonymous language elements related to the concept of gossip have been determined on the basis of various studies on dialects, especially the Dictionary of Compilation from Folk Dialects in Turkey, and these language elements have been examined according to regional, stylistic and close synonymy relations. As a result, the relationship between the concept of gossip in Turkey Turkish dialects in terms of synonymy has been revealed.


Turkey Turkish Dialects, gossip, synonym, vocabulary.


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