
Ali Hoca Divanı’nda Tasavvufî Unsurlar

Classical Turkish literature has a rooted structure that has continued for centuries. This literature has been fed from many sources such as the Qur’an, Iranian mythology, and the stories of the prophets, which form the basis of its deep-rooted past. One of the most important sources of classical poetry is Sufism. Sufism, which started to develop with the current of asceticism that emerged in the VIII. century, left deep effects in all geographies dominated by Islamic civilization and over time became a natural means of expression of each other with literature. Divan poets used the mystical terminology in their poems, sometimes directly and sometimes with symbolic expressions through literary arts. These symbolic expressions added a semantic depth to classical poetry. Annotation and analysis studies carried out today also make this depth visible. Ali Hoca, who is among the Divan poets of the twentieth century, is also a poet who is very attached to the sheikhs and sects, and whose mystical identity is at the forefront. In this study, mystical elements were scanned in the poems of Ali Hoca, on whom no study has been done before, under the headings of sufistic terms, sufis, schools, imams and places. In this way, the depth that Sufism adds to the world of meaning in poems will be tried to be revealed.


Classical Turkish poetry, XX. century, sufism, Ali Hoca.


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Mart 2025 Sayısı

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