
Dervîş Mehmed Bahtî’nin Manzum Terceme-i Şir’atü?l-İslam’ında Bulunan İlim Öğrenme, Öğretme Faslı Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Manzum Terceme-i Şir’atü’l-Islam, which is a religious-ethical-mystical mesnevi, consist of forty-eigh chapters and is composed of Imamzade Muhammad b. Ebi Bekr’s work called Şir’atü’l-Islam ila dari’s-selam. In our study, which is the subject of the analysis of the chapter called “Learning Science, About the Sunnats and Virtues of the Teacher”, which is the third chapter of the work, based on the work; By trying to show what science is, which science will be valuable and beneficial we tried to reveal who can be called a scholar and who should be a student and what the qualifications of scholars and students should be. In the work; it is a mentioned that science should not be separated from it under any circumstances, that knowledge should be given to people who are competent and that it should be kept away from people who are thought to be unable to maintain their qualifications of knowledge. In addition, in the Manzum Terceme-i Şir’atü’l-Islam; it has been emphasized that science is path taken with good intentions and that this good intention is for the benefit of humanity and that a student of knowledge can overcome all obstacles with patience and perseverance. The third chapter of the work which is a subject of our study and is a catechism ends whith couplets emphasizing that the student should aways obey his teacher, consider his words an order and that the student should present the learned knowledge to benefit of humanity.


Poetry, catechism, science, Şir’atü’l-İslam.


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