
Dede Korkut Kitabı’ndan “Duha Koca Oğlu Deli Dumrul” Adlı Hikâyenin Yapı Bakımından Tahlili

Dede Korkut Stories are texts that express our national and spiritual values in an impressive and permanent style together with symbolic fictions. He has two important manuscripts in Dresden, Germany and in the Vatican. The Dresden copy was found by H. O. Fleischer in 1815, but it was H. F. Von Diez who introduced it to the scientific world. Ettore Rossi introduced the Vatican copy to the scientific world in 1950. In the story called Duha Kocaoğlu Deli Dumrul in the Book of Dede Korkut, the case circles are crowned with many symbolic expressions and shape the dimension of the narrative. The part that is directed in the contents of the narrative texts takes place after the summary part and opens a framework for the holistic structure of the text by establishing the framework of the text for the interpretation of complex events. In 1the narrative, there are other heroes with positive and negative personality traits that determine the responsibilities that the main hero should gain, especially the hero. The persons included in the symbolic narration and the places as the decor of the events are not described in detail in the narrative. In the narrative, in which the main hero and other heroes and events come to the fore, a time break between the time of the story and the time of the narration in the story of Deli Dumrul, that is, these two different temporal dimensions are not brought to the fore, the actions take place simultaneously. The story “Duha Kocaoğlu Deli Dumrul” is told in the third person. The speeches of the heroes are included in the story. These conversations are told in the first person. Explanation, monologue, dialogue, leitmotif are included. We are of the opinion that in order to make a correct thematic analysis of this narrative, which is included in the Dede Korkut Stories, which is important for the Turkish nation and the world of science, its evaluation in terms of structure should be clearly revealed. For this purpose, we used the analysis method in terms of structure at the basis of our study.


Dede Korkut, Deli Dumrul, plot, symbolic, form.


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Mart 2025 Sayısı

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  • Adres :Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü Osmaniye/TÜRKİYE
    Telefon : 0505 4342666 Faks :
    Eposta : korkutataturkiyat@gmail.com