
Orta Oyununun Sosyolojik Yapısı ve Modern Türk Sanatına Etkisi

One of the genres of traditional Turkish theater is the orta oyunu. This species is known to have a history of more than four centuries. It intersects with the structural features of the modern theater due to its large cast, the musical elements it uses, its division into sections, and the limited use of material materials. The sociological indicators in the structure of the orta oyunu distinguish it from the modern theater and transform it into the representation of the traditional. Cultural and class representations in the staff, the role of the zenne and the absence of plays in a fixed place represent both the Ottoman society structure and the nomadic lifestyle of the Turks. Making you think while making you laugh has influenced the comedy understanding of Turkish cinema, and some of its elements have influenced modern Turkish poetry and television comedy programs. The lack of a written text opens the door to critical humor. Playing it among the people both in army campaigns and in the squares provides motivational support to a warrior society. Orta oyunu has been the bearer of pluralist and horizontal relations in the face of modernity, which is the representation of monist and vertical relations. In this study, its sociological structure and its effects on modern art are discussed based on the historical and morphological features of the orta oyunu, which is woven with symbols and implicit messages.


Traditional Turkish theater, orta oyunu, sociological structure, modernity, modern art.


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