
Bilecik İli Bindallı Giysi İşlemelerinin İncelenmesi

Designed as a ceremonial garment within the traditional Turkish clothing culture, bindallı is a women’s dress decorated with plant ornaments and embroidered with metal threads on fabrics such as velvet and satin. Within the scope of the study in which the survey method was applied, 14 bindallı garment embroidery found in the city center of Bilecik were determined as samples. The study aimed to analyze the formal characteristics of bindallı garment embroidery and to add them to the embroidery literature. All bindallı garments were produced in the 19th century and were included in the relevant collection by inheritance from family elders or by purchase. The collectors use these garments on special occasions such as weddings and religious holidays. The ground fabric and the festoons, which are the edge cleaning tools of bindallı, have faded and worn out. The embroidery has been removed in some places. The ground fabric is mostly burgundy cotton velvet; gold-colored metal twisted silk thread was preferred in the embroidery. In bindallı garments, plant ornaments such as flower bouquet, rose branch, rose bouquet; plant-object ornaments such as rose branch with bow, flower in basket, rose branch in vase were observed. Enamel, tassel, flat leaf, segmented leaf, flat line, C curved branch, rosebud, rhombus, tulip, S curved branch, cord, wild rose, chain, dahlia, palmette and sun subjects are arranged in compositions. Embroidery compositions in bindallı clothes are mostly arranged by repeating more than one motif. It has been concluded that the examined bindallı clothes have the characteristic features of bindallı embroidery of the Ottoman Empire period of Turkish embroidery art.


Bilecik bindallı, bindallı embroidery, bindallı clothing.


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Aralık 2024 Sayısı

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