
Cumhuriyet Dönemi Siyasal Devrimlerin Analizi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

The Ottoman state left its place on the stage of history to the Republic of Turkey in the process following the First World War and with the subsequent developments and de facto came to an end. The Turkish state, and therefore the founding cadres of the republic, made some radical changes in the conditions of the period and took care to establish the newly established state on solid foundations. Based on the reasons for the painful process of the Ottoman state, especially in the last century, it was concluded that some changes and transformations were almost inevitable, and it was deemed necessary to make some revolutions in accordance with the requirements of the new social structure and perception to be created. With this study, it is aimed to analyse the important developments such as the abolition of the caliphate, the abolition of the Sharia Agency and the inclusion of secularism in the constitution, which started with the abolition of the Sultanate and the establishment of the republic respectively. Considering the subsequent developments in Turkish political life, it is seen that these political revolutions were extremely important steps. What Atatürk and his friends tried to realise with these revolutions was to remove some of the issues that could not be solved in the Ottoman state from being a threat to the young republic and to pave the way for a social construction in accordance with the requirements of the period. The study also provides information about the process in which the revolutions were carried out.


Turkish political life, revolution, secularism, caliphate.


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