
Hâce Ahrâr’ın Şöhretli Muhlisleri: Câmî, Ali Şîr Nevâyî ve Babür

Khwaja Ubaydullah Ahrar (1404–1490), one of the prominent figures of the 15th century, was a leading guide of the Naqshbandi order and significant figure who left a profound impact on the social, political, economic and ideological life of his era. Under his guidance, the Naqshbandi order reached a wide social base and the number of its admirers increased significantly. These admirers included individuals from various social strata of the time: kings, viziers, scholars, students, artisans, representatives of science and culture, in short, people from all walks of life. Among them were three distinguished figures: Abdurrahman Jami (1414–1492), Ali Shir Navai (1441–1501) and Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur (1483–1530). This study examines the approaches, relationships and the reflections of three prominent figures, Jami, Navai and Babur, toward Khwaja Ubaydullah’s teachings, exploring their involvement with Khwaja Ahrar and how these influenced their works. Through this analysis, the impact of Khwaja Ahrar on these leading figures of his time is explored. These figures are not only significant personalities of their era but also serve as key examples that highlight the profound depth of Khwaja Ahrar’s spiritual influence.


Khwaja Ahrar, Khwaja Ubeydullah, Jami, Ali Shir Navai, Babur.


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