
-AyIm-dI/ -AyIm-mIş, -Ø-DX, -AlIm-dI/-AlIm-mIş, -sXn-dX/ -sXn-mXş, -sXnlAr-dI/ -sXnlAr-mIş Yapılarının Anlamsal İşlevleri

Abstract The imperative mode is a form that expresses the intended action as an order. Unlike other deliberative modes, the imperative mode does not have story, narration and conditional compound inflections. Because the imperative is a mode of address. Address occurs directly at the moment of utterance. Since the mood that occurs in the present tense cannot be related to the past, the imperative cannot be a story or narration. Although it is rarely used in written language, the -dX story compound and -mXş narration compound inflectional suffixes are added to the first and second singular, first plural and more frequently third singular and plural suffixes of the imperative mood, and the structures -AyIm-dI/ -AyIm-mIş, -Ø-DX, -AlIm-dI/-AlIm-mIş, -sXn-dX/ -sXn-mXş, -sXnlAr-dI/ -sXnlAr-mIş are established. These structures seem to be the story and narration inflections of the imperative mood in terms of form. Today, it is known that these structures are formed with the suffixes -dX and -mXş, which are combined with the help of a suffix verb to the predicates conjugated with the imperative mood; and that they are a grammatical unity that sees not only the predicate but also the entire sentence whose predicate is in the imperative mode as a noun and gives it the feature of direct or independent direct transmission. In this study, more than three hundred written sources are scanned; the differences in the semantic functions of 195 sentences whose predicate is formed with the structures in question are evaluated and classified. Up to now, scientific findings and opinions have been published about the formation of these structures, but no comprehensive study has been conducted on the differences in semantic functions. As a result of the study, 34 different semantic functions are determined as a result of direct transmission.


imperative mode, compound inflection, direct transmission, grammar, Turkish


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Haziran 2025 Sayısı

Dergimizin Haziran 2025'te

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