
Jean Echenoz’nun Bir Yıl (Un An) Romanının Çeviri Stratejileri Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi

French novelist Jean Echenoz is one of the most important representatives of the minimalist style. Minimalism is a method of writing less and saying more. The author's novel Un An, translated into Turkish as Bir Yıl by Mehmet Emin Özcan, is also a minimalist work. In this current study, based on the translation strategies adopted by the translator during the transfer from the source language into the target language in the novel, the definition of the strategy is made, the theoretical background of the translation strategies is given, and the translation processes carried out in the novel in question are practically discussed, evaluated and interpreted. Translation strategies used to prevent loss of meaning in the culture of the source language and to make a translation close to the culture of the target language are notable for not only helping translators during the translation action but also providing data for translation criticism. The reason for choosing a comparative translation study of the world-renowned and internationally translated novel of Jean Echenoz is to observe how a contemporary work is translated, to determine which methods are put into practice in the context of translation strategies, and to reveal which translation strategies are most used based on the findings. It is anticipated that evaluating how a contemporary author is translated by contemporary translators will contribute to the field. Based on the data obtained by scanning the translation strategies throughout the novel, it has been concluded that the localization/domestication strategy is mostly adopted in translation, and in this direction, communicative translation is carried out, which ensures the transfer of the linguistic and cultural structures in the source text to the target audience in the most appropriate way.


Bir Yıl (Un An), equivalence/reformulation, Jean Echenoz, translation strategies


Gelecek Sayı

Haziran 2025 Sayısı

Dergimizin Haziran 2025'te

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21. Sayısı için makale

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