
Yaratıcı Dinleme Stratejilerinin 6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Dinlediğini Anlama Becerilerine Etkisi

Abstract Creative listening skills are one of the listening strategies given at the 8th grade level in Turkish language lessons. Research results indicate that contrary to adults, individuals in younger age groups are more creative. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of creative listening skills on understanding listening at the 6th grade level. This research, organized according to a semi-experimental model based on pre-test and post-test, was attended by 44 students studying in the province of Ordu during the 2021-2022 academic year. While 22 students formed the experimental group, 22 students formed the control group. Text scanning was conducted to be used in listening activities. Expert opinion was obtained for activities planned according to the stages of creative thinking. Creative listening activities were carried out with the experimental group for eight weeks, two hours per week. The “Narrative Text Comprehension Listening Test” and the “Informative Text Comprehension Listening Test”, created by the researcher for the study group, with expert opinion obtained and validity and reliability studies conducted, were applied. TAP (Test Analysis Program) was used for the validity and reliability tests of listening comprehension tests. Jamovi computer program was used for data analysis. As a result of the study, it was observed that there was no significant difference between the final test scores of the experimental group and the control group.


Key Words: Teaching Turkish, creative listening, listening comprehension, 6th grade.


Gelecek Sayı

Haziran 2025 Sayısı

Dergimizin Haziran 2025'te

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