
Nahid Sırrı Örik‘in Edebiyatçılarının Sancıları: “Şair Necmi Efendi’nin Bahar Kasidesi” ve “Muharrir”

Nahid Sırrı Örik is a prominent literary figure in Turkish literature of the Republican Era, known for his works in various genres and translations. Aside from literature, Nahid Sırrı, who was particularly interested in the art of painting, frequently expressed the value of art and artists. He deliberately wove his ideas on this subject into his various writings and fictional narratives. Especially in response to the deterioration of sensitivity towards art due to socio-cultural and economic changes, he adopts an attitude befitting an artist’s sensitivity. The free spirit of art, the artist’s creativity and ability are addressed in a unique way within Nahid Sırrı’s literary milieu. Two examples that include these elements are “Şair Necmi Efendi’nin Bahar Kasidesi” and “Muharrir”, which are analyzed within the study. Both works share commonalities regarding the struggles experienced by artists engaged with different genres of literature. The predicaments faced by a poet and a writer during and after the creation of their artistic works also shed light on the era’s perspective on art and artists. The study will conduct a thematic comparative analysis of “Şair Necmi Efendi’nin Bahar Kasidesi” from Nahid Sırrı’s story collection San’atkârlar and the play titled “Muharrir” from his complete works.


Nahid Sırrı Örik, Art, Artist, “Şair Necmi Efendi’nin Bahar Kasidesi”, “Muharrir”.


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Haziran 2025 Sayısı

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  • Adres :Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü Osmaniye/TÜRKİYE
    Telefon : 0505 4342666 Faks :
    Eposta : korkutataturkiyat@gmail.com