The life of the Prophet has always been a model for the social and cultural life of Islamic geography. This has led to the formation of a cultural geography around him. Thus, in the field of literature of Islamic societies, genres dealing with the Prophet have emerged. Na’t, siyar, mawlid, mu’jizât-ı Nabî, esmâ-i Nabî, evsâf-ı Nabî, shamâil, hilye, mi’râjiye, regâibiye, gazavât-ı Nabî, hicretnâme, şefâatnâme, fazîletnâme and forty hadiths, the most popular of these genres is undoubtedly na’t. Na’t as a literary genre is the name given to poems praising the Prophet. Over time, however, na’t was also written for various religious figures other than the Prophet. The subject of this study is the poetic translation of Imâm Bûsîrî’s Qasidat Al-Burda by Yahyâ b. Abdullâh. The work on which the study is based is the commentary by Qasidat Al-Burda called Tarjumat al-Esrâr fî Medhi Sayyid al-Ebrâr. The translations of the verses in the commentary form the framework of this study. First, information about the life of Yahyâ b. Abdullâh is given based on the data obtained from the text. Then the translation of the verse is analysed in terms of form and content. In the next part of the study, the copies of the work are recommended and the study is completed with the translated text. At the end of the study, it is noted that the commentator’s translation of the verses gives priority to conveying the meaning of the source text rather than the form, that it is influenced to some extent by different translators, and that important clues have been gained about the life of Yahyâ b. Abdullâh, the author of the work.
Qasîdat al-Burda, Imam al-Bûsîrî, commentary, poetic, translation, Yahyâ b. Abdullâh.