
Şiir ve Şifa: Azmî-zâde Hâletî Divanı’nda Hastalık ve Tedavi Algısı

This article examines the representation of illness and treatment themes in the Divan of Azmî-zâde- Hâletî. İn his poetry, illness is not merely portrayed as a physical ailment, it is also adressed through emotional dimensions such as love, longing and separation. The poet characterizes the pain of love as a form of sickness and asserts that the only remedy for this affliction lies in the attentionof the beloved. The care and compassion of the lover are perceived as the most effective medicine for the afflicted. İn the Divan of Azmî-zâde Hâletî, healing is examined both in terms of treating physical ailments and the alleviation of spiritual suffering. This study analizes the patient and physician relationship, the specific ilnesses mentioned in the Divan, their diagnosis and treatment, the role of darüşşifas in the diagnostic and therapeutic processes, traditional healing practices and the physical and emotional traces ilness leaves on the patient. İn the poems, physical disorders, injuries, treatment methods and medicines are discussed in both literal and metaphorical terms. This study offers valuable insight into how Hâletî’s poetry reflects the medical and cultural perspectives of the time, thus contributing to the understanding of illness and healing within classical Turkish literatur.


Hâletî, poem, healing, illness, treatment.


Gelecek Sayı

Haziran 2025 Sayısı

Dergimizin Haziran 2025'te

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21. Sayısı için makale

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