
Milli Kütüphane’de Bulunan 06 Mil Yz A 2762 Numaralı Şiir Mecmuasının MESTAP’a Göre Tasnifi

Poetry magazines are works that reflect the literary taste of the period they were written and have important contributions to classical Turkish literature studies. Thanks to these important resources, it is possible to reach the poems that were not found in the divans of the poets who have divan, the poets that were not mentioned in the sources before, and the works of the poets who were named in the sources but did not have their poems in hand. In recent years, important work has been done on the development of databases that allow the classification of journals. The most comprehensive of these studies is "MESTAP" (Systematic Classification of Magazines Project). This project enabled the magazines to be classified according to a common template and to be collected in a digital database. In this article, the manuscript registered in the National Library Manuscript Collection 06 Mil Yz A 2762 under the name “Mecmûa-i Eş’âr” will be examined. Except for Haydar, whom we think is the author of the work, there is only a couplet belonging to Koca Râgıp Pasha. The content of this thirty-three-leaf work, which cannot be determined exactly when it was written in the third century, was evaluated on the table prepared within the scope of "MESTAP" (Systematic Classification of Magazines Project). The possibility that the poems in this work belong to a single person (Haydar) and that the poems that do not use pseudonym belong to Haydar are another issue that will be discussed in the article. In the studied work, there are 135 poems belonging to Haydar and a couplet belonging to Koca Râgıp Pasha (1698-1763), as well as 147 texts, 136 in verse and 11 in prose. The presence of a couplet belonging to Koca Râgıp Pasha suggests that this work may have been written after the first quarter of the 18th century.


Classical Turkish poetry, poetry journal, MESTAP, National Library 06 Mil Yz A 2762, Haydar.


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