
İşlevsel Dilbilgisi Açısından Yeni Uygurcada Çokluk Kategorisi

In this article, the category of plurality in New Uyghur is analyzed from the perspective of functional grammar. The study aims to better understand the general structure and functioning of the plurality category by comprehensively addressing its morphological and syntactic features, functions and usage areas. In New Uyghur, plurality is usually expressed with the suffix “-lar/ler” added to the end of nouns, and ignoring other grammatical elements leads to confusion, grammatical inadequacy, limited language use, lack of cultural understanding, and communicative inadequacy in language teaching. These problems emphasize the importance of adopting more comprehensive and diverse approaches in language teaching. The teaching of the plurality category not only with the suffix “-lar/ler” but also with all the structures and usage areas of the language enables students to become more competent and conscious of the language. The plurality category also assumes important functions in semantic, pragmatic and cultural contexts; it increases the flexibility of the language by adding general or indefinite plurality meanings, and enriches the emotional power of the language through emphasis and exaggeration. Furthermore, this article discusses the sociocultural implications of the category of plurality, emphasizing the importance of the concepts of community and family in the language. By making comparisons between New Uyghur and Turkish in terms of the plurality category, the article presents information on the similarities and differences between grammatical structures. In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive analysis of the plurality category in New Uyghur within the framework of functional grammar and emphasizes the importance of meaning-centered approaches in language teaching.


Category of plurality, plural, functional grammar, New Uyghur, Turkish.


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Ekim 2024 Sayısı

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