
Türkçede Sonuç Bildiren Küçük Tümceler

Small Clauses (SCs) are structures that lack tense, aspect, modality (TAM), and agreement. They differ internally from complete sentences, featuring a nonfinite [DP XP] configuration, yet they consist of grammatical units bearing propositional content that form a predicative relationship. Literature on Turkish SCs has so far analyzed such clauses into groups such as locative, resualtative and descriptive/depictive SCs. In this study, we aim to explore the details of resultative SCs in Turkish considering that such an in-depth analysis could contribute to the literature of SCs in general. This SC type is a resultative construction and it adjoins to the matrix clause by construing a result relation with a resultative matrix verb on a sentential basis. Bearing this in mind, first we will touch upon the relevant literature, and then analyze the constructional properties of such SCs. Then, we will extend this analysis with ‘resultative SCs with light verbs’, and present independent grammatical evidence in favor of this claim. We will employ voice alternation, modification, ellipsis and inflection/tense marking tests on this new type of SCs.


small clause, syntax, resultative, tense-aspect-modality.


Gelecek Sayı

Ekim 2024 Sayısı

Dergimizin Ekim 2024'te yayımlanacak olan 18. Sayısı için makale kabulü devam etmektedir.

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  • Adres :Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü Osmaniye/TÜRKİYE
    Telefon : 0505 4342666 Faks :
    Eposta : korkutataturkiyat@gmail.com