
Sivas Kongresi’nin Bir Sonucu Olarak Damat Ferit Paşa’nın İstifasında Bir Aracı: Deli Müşir Fuat Paşa

In the last days of World War I, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, like every soldier who loved his country, was worried about his country. When he arrived in Istanbul, he was aware that something had to be done about it. However, Istanbul was under de facto occupation and the government was in agreement with the British. As a result of the developing events, Mustafa Kemal Pasha was sent to Samsun by the Istanbul Government, which wanted the armistice after the Treaty of Mudros to be implemented smoothly. On the contrary, as soon as Mustafa Kemal Pasha landed in Samsun, he tried to organize the people with orders to protest against the occupation of Izmir. At this point, his friends and the public, who realized that Pasha was doing the right thing, would give him their support. Mustafa Kemal Pasha, especially with his trusted friends, would not only try to save the country from occupation by waging a war of independence, but would also embark on a struggle for national sovereignty by relying on the people due to the wrong policies of the sultanate in Istanbul. The “determination and resolve of the people” in the Amasya Circular, the “activation of the national will” in the Erzurum Congress, and finally the unification of all liberation associations in the Sivas Congress with delegates from all over the country had put great pressure on Istanbul. At this stage, it was decided to hold Grand Vizier Damat Ferit Pasha responsible for the wise decisions taken by the Representation Committee and politically instead of the Sultan. As a result of this decision, it was considered to use the 85-year-old Marshal Fuat Pasha, with his long years of experience, as an intermediary in requesting the resignation of Damat Ferit Pasha and influencing the Sultan.


Mustafa Kemal Pasha, National Struggle, Sivas Congress, Vahdettin.


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