Turkish folk songs, which have a rich structure, play a significant role in the transmission of Turkish culture. The minstrels (âşıks), who are the creators of these folk songs, are key figures in preserving and passing on this culture to future generations. Considering that cultural elements were conveyed through folk products like folk songs in periods when written literature had not yet developed, it can be argued that this form of expression could also serve as an educational tool. In this context, the concept of ethnopedagogy is one of the processes that can be used to teach values to children and young generations. Through folk songs, value education and cultural transmission are provided. The folk songs of Aşık Yaşar Reyhani hold an important place in this regard. In this study, Aşık Yaşar Reyhani's folk songs were analyzed in an ethnopedagogical context to determine which values were emphasized in the education of individuals. In line with this, 42 folk songs composed and accessible by Aşık Yaşar Reyhani were examined and analyzed using document analysis method. As a result, it was revealed that folk songs, which are a significant folkloric element of Turkish culture, can be effectively used as an educational tool in the ethnopedagogical context. Folk songs contribute to the transmission of culture in an ethnopedagogical context and help instill a sense of belonging in younger generations.
minstrel, minstrelsy tradition, Aşık Yaşar Reyhani, ethnopedagogy, cultural transmission.